Firebreaker is a sweeping fantasy epic for family listening, based on the classic legend of St. George and the Dragon. Told over eleven adventurous episodes, Firebreaker is a remix of the classic tale, filling in the gaps, expanding on themes and filling the margins with excitement.
Firebreaker is a love letter to the Golden Legend, and is faithful to the spirit of the historical Saint George; expanding on the archetypes and fantastical elements in new, exciting ways.
Firebreaker is an episodic audio drama based on the Legend of George and the Dragon.
Firebreaker is written and produced for whole families to enjoy together! Adventurous, epic, silly and sometimes scary… This story is geared towards middle-grade listeners, but will entertain all ages.
Firebreaker launches Summer 2024.
Saint George was real…and even though the dragons he faced didn’t breathe fire, they were certainly dangerous. We’ve drawn inspiration from the historical man, from the Golden Legend, and from our own creativity to tell a story that is both ancient and completely new. Read more about St. George below.
Episodes to run between 12–20 minutes each. Listened to end-to-end, the full story can be enjoyed in about the time it would take to watch a feature-length movie.
Firebreaker is an independent production of Coronation Media and is written by Jim and Dominic Morlino—a father and son team with extensive background in storytelling, script writing, and the development of audio dramas. Firebreaker is directed by Jim Morlino—who has a strong background in creating faith-inspired children's entertainment. Based on an initial concept by show runner Gary Gasse, Firebreaker’s Executive producers are Gary Gasse and Bill Phillips.
St. George
Who is St. George? George was a Roman Soldier of Cappadocian Greek heritage, who died for his faith in the early days of Christianity. His heroism led him to become one of the most revered Saints in Christian history.
While little is known of George’s historical life, devotion to him flourished over the ages. By the Medieval period, George was immortalized in legend as a Soldier Saint and Dragon Slayer. The most well known example is contained in The Golden Legend, a compendium of late Medieval hagiographies. Just as the historical George faced grave danger in his life, the George of legend faced danger and overcame it by heroism and through grace.
The George of Firebreaker is inspired by both the historical St. George and the George of the Medieval imagination. We believe that stories are kept vital in their retelling, and that the spirit of St. George the Dragon Slayer can teach all of us about the dangers of the Dragons that we all must face in our lives…and more importantly, the only way to defeat them. Our hope is not to convey the story of George literally, but to use high fantasy to understand who George was, and explore what the symbolic meaning of George the Dragon Slayer is for a new generation.
“Fairy tales do not give the child his first idea of bogey. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of the possible defeat of bogey. The baby has known the dragon intimately ever since he had an imagination. What the fairy tale provides for him is a St. George to kill the dragon.”